
Online dating has made meeting new people easier, making formal introductions and chance meeting less and less important to the dating and matchmaking scene, it is forcing us to brush up on some old skills.

Oh, how I hate to write.
I think we all remember those days back in school when we had to write that three hundred-word report. You know the one that we had two weeks to finish, but did not start until the night before it was due.

If you hated that as much as I did then I have some bad news for you. Online dating is all about writing and the writing starts as soon as you join.

Some posts:

The awesome, fearsome profile

All online dating sites require that you write a few paragraphs about yourself, your likes and dislikes. Most but not all require somewhere around one hundred words minimum.

Remember that the first things other members of the site read in deciding to contact or respond to you is your profile,

There are many excellent sources online on how to write a good profile, but to keep it brief here, write your profile using something like word pad or any software that has a built in spell checker. Proof read it, then copy and paste into the profile section of the dating site.

First Email. You mean I have to write some more$%:

Well yes. I warned you online dating is all about writing. However, with that email things get a little more complicated, because you have to dust off your conversation skills.
Email conversation is easy, read the profile of the person you are making contact with, or responding to and ask questions about the various interests that they expressed.

When they write back to you give some feed back in response to their answers and then ask some more questions.

The first phone call or face-to-face meeting.

Phew, we are finally done with all that writing! But wait; now it is time to actually have a conversation. By this point you should have exchanged a few emails, read each other's profiles and have a fair idea about what each of your interests are.

To avoid those long, uncomfortable periods of silence, just ask questions about each other's interests. Use the interviewers method of: how, when, where, and why.

Developing you writing and conversational skills will go a long way in helping you meet that perfect someone.

    創作者 jcmarques7t 的頭像


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